
Control panels from various mid-range and mainframe systems, including some excellent "blinkenlights" panels.

Sun Microsystems workstations. Featured systems:
3/60  IPC  SPARCstation 2  IPX  Classic  LX  SPARCstation 10  SPARCstation 20  Ultra 2  Ultra 10 

The SAGE computers were the largest ever built, and I worked on one at the very end of its service life. Here are some bits and pieces from the AN/FSQ-7 (SAGE) computer.

Heathkit and Zenith computers and terminals.

Otrona Attaché CP/M / MSDOS System.

Telcon Zorba Nomis 9 CP/M System.

Northstar Advantage

Xerox 820-II CP/M System.

Eagle IIE-2 CP/M System.

Morrow Micro Decision MD11.

I learned FORTRAN on an IBM 360 mainframe, using 029 keypunches to type up my code. I currently have a functioning 129 Card Data Recorder and a 029 keypunch undergoing restoration.

Documation M1000-L card reader. 1000 cards per minute.

Modems, from a 300 baud accoustic coupler to a U.S.Robotics V.Everything.

Video and printing terminals, monitors, and a HP 9872B Graphics Plotter.

Printers and related parts.

Test and bench equipment used to keep the old hardware running.

IBM pluggable unit, as used in the model 604 Electronic Calculating Punch. This module is based on a 5844 twin triode tube, which is a computer rated version of the 6J6. This particular module is wired as a dual inverter (IN-13). The CE Manual for the 604 is on Bitsavers.

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Last updated on Sunday, November 20, 2022