The Q7 in Snowball Express (1972)

Snowball Express 1
Snowball Express 2
Snowball Express 3
Snowball Express 4
Snowball Express 5
Snowball Express 6
Snowball Express 7
Snowball Express 8
Snowball Express 9
Snowball Express 10
Snowball Express 11
Snowball Express 12
Snowball Express 13
Snowball Express 14
Snowball Express 15
Snowball Express 16
Snowball Express 17
Snowball Express 18
Snowball Express 19
Snowball Express 20

In this picture, we see the left half of the Duplex Maintainence Console, modified to eject punch cards and printer paper. This particular console was owned by Vectrex.

Thanks to Glenn Edward for the screen captures!

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Last updated on Monday, July 21, 2014